Mature your PhD !
The dedicated SATT Aquitaine program which boosts the future of PhD students and young doctors.
2nd or 3rd year PhD student, young doctor or post-doc from a research establishment in Aquitaine,
your thesis project can give rise to innovation?
It could result in new technology, know-how,
product, service or process; innovative and marketable?
Submit your project and benefit from theMatureYour PhD ! program.
An investment in your project
SATT Aquitaine can invest to protect and help you continue to develop your invention. The objective is to achieve an innovation (a technology or knowledge) transferable to a company that will commercialize it.
A door to the business world
With the support of SATT Aquitaine, the invention resulting from your thesis will gain in technological and economic maturity. It will be able to interest companies or investors and perhaps allow you to get a job, or to create your business due to our chrysa-link incubator.notre incubateur chrysa-link.
Skills and experience to add to your course
The experts from SATT Aquitaine Science Transfert will help you understand the societal and economic issues related to your research work, your invention, you will benefit from intellectual property advice to help you better understand the issues related to protection and promotion of your research results; the opportunity to enrich your course with new knowledge.
Privileged access to the national i-PhD competition
By being part of the Mature your PhD! program,you will be able to be coached in your participation to t the national i-PhD innovation challenge a real launching pad to entrepreneurship!
Submit your project, nothing could be easier!
5 minutes top time! Fill out a simple submission form, with the consent of your thesis supervisor. You will be contacted by one of our scientific project managers, to discuss and determine the best possible valuation route for your (future) invention.
Doubt about the potential of your invention? Contact an expert from SATT Aquitaine!
What are the benefits?
- Support focused on the invention resulting from your thesis project: technical, socio-economic and market analyzes, intellectual property, etc.
- An investment in maturation to continue to develop your invention and bring it to the market.
- New skills and valuable experiences for your CV: valuation of research, market, economy, project management, entrepreneurship, ...
- A concrete step towards the business world and why not the creation of your start-up, thanks to the support of chrysa-link, the deeptech incubator of SATT Aquitaine.
- Privileged access to the national i-PhD innovation challenge.
The Mature your PhD! Program launched by SATT Aquitaine, is supported by research establishments in Aquitaine, shareholders and partners of SATT Aquitaine Science Transfert (Université de Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), INSERM, CHU de Bordeaux, Institut Bergonié, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, ESTIA, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Sciences Po Bordeaux and La Rochelle Université).
Mature your PhD ! briefly
Questions ?
We are here to answer all of your questions. Do not hesitate (we are nice)!
These young doctors were supported by SATT Aquitaine
"After 4 years of development, supported by SATT Aquitaine with a large investment in maturation, we signed a licensing agreement, the basis of our interactions with therapy initiatives and pharmaceutical companies which are the natural customers of our technology"
Maxime Feyeux - TreeFrog Therapeutics (LP2N) - 2018 i-lab Grand Prix
Discover the Treefrog Therapeutics story
"During my thesis in bio-imaging, I developed microscopy tools and image analysis software, in direct collaboration with biologists from the IINS. The French ecosystem facilitates the creation of technological start-ups. with excellent support and funding mechanisms, in particular those of SATT Aquitaine. "
Corey Butler - Reflect projet (IINS) - 2019 i-PhD laureate
"Entrepreneurship is a very rewarding human adventure. The meeting with SATT Aquitaine opened up a new universe for us, rich in opportunities and collaborations."
Matthieu Guémann - Myotact project (INCIA) - 2019 i-PhD laureate
"The support offered by SATT Aquitaine was essential in preparing for the creation of the company: market research, personalized follow-up, advice and monitoring of fundraising procedures, industrial protection actions, etc. The tangible financial support of SATT also made it possible to have a first demonstrator at the end of 2019"
Natacha Kinadjian-Caplat - PureNAT (IPREM, CRPP)
"SATT Aquitaine has supported us from the start in advancing our cases and advises us on financial and legal aspects through a rich and competent network."
Quentin Cassar - Optikan (IMS) - 2021 i-PhD laureate