ICMCB : Institute for Solid State Chemistry Bordeaux

Technology Advanced and active materials
Focuses of research & scientific skills
- Energy
- Storage and electrochemical conversion of energy,
- Storage of hydrogen, Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water,
- New thermoelectric and magnetocaloric materials
- Functional and multifunctional materials
- Luminescent, photoreactive, magnetic, electronic and / or ionic conductors, ferroelectric, materials for nonlinear optics, photochromic, thermochromic, thermal conductors.
- Materials for drug vectorization and pure medical imaging
- Composite materials and powder metallurgy
- Nanomaterials
- Chemistry in a supercritical environment
- Organic-inorganic hybrids o Nano-objects, functionalized nanoparticles
- Magnetic, ferroelectric, luminescent nanomaterials
- The environment and sustainable development
- Electrochromic systems
- Automotive pollution remediation catalysts
- CO2 sequestration
- Waste management and hydrothermal oxidation of waste
Specific equipment, resources and techniques
- Sintering: SPS, microwave, microwave under load
- Crystalline growth at high temperatures and high pressures
- Sputtering chamber
- Resonance spectroscopy: EPR, NMR, Mössbauer
- Thermal, chemical analysis, granulometry
- Systems under specific atmospheres: fluorine, hydrogen, CO2
- X-ray diffraction: powders, thin layers, single crystals
Technology transfer center
FLUOM @ T: inorganic fluoride
- Research and development
- Service provision
- Advice / Expertise / Training
Energy-Greentech business-unit manager
+33 (0)5 33 51 43 36
UMR 5026